So, I'm playing this forum game that's a spin-off of the "Choose your own adventure" novels where each poster makes a choice left by the previous poster, describes what happens based on the choice made, then makes his/her own contribution to the story and then provides a list of choices for the next poster to make. It started off quite simple and has become something quite interesting to read.
I will be updating the story here as the game progresses. Hopefully it won't spiral out of control too much.
In a land far, far away...or actually quite close, was the city of Red Hawk. There was a teenage boy of 17 by the name of Takahashi Ryuuto who was on his way to school. He decided to go by bike today, as the summer air had not set in yet, so it was quite comfortable. As he got closer to school, he could see the uniforms of his high school, with girls clad in their summer uniforms. As he got to the school gate, he noticed a girl that was drawing quite amount of attention. She was not only very cute, but she also appeared to be handing out some kind of flyer.
Ryuuto chooses to:
1. Take a flyer, smile, say "thank you", and head inside.
2. Take a flyer, and try to make conversation.
3. Ignore her and head inside.
4. Cause a disturbance by taking all of her flyers.
Upon getting closer to the flyer girl, their eyes meet and she offers him a flyer. He takes it without hesitation and says, "Thanks" with a small smile before continuing onwards. After walking on a bit, he takes a good long look at the flyer.
It reads:
Volunteers wanted!
Student Council elections beginning!
For those that want to help this year
become more than just a memory,
please send in an application!
Ryuuto chooses to:
1) Ignore the flyer's information and continue walking.
2) Stop walking, glance back at the girl, and ask where/how to apply.
3) Hesitate in figuring out what to do.
After reading it's contents, Ryuuto says, almost inaudible,
"...Student Council, huh?"
And then continues his way to the bicycle parking, stuffing the flyer in his pocket like it was never read. He thought about throwing it away, but them he looked again to the girl, now at a bigger distance, and gave up the idea. Maybe it was because he didn't want the girl seeing him doing that, because the girl was doing her best... or just because she reminded him of his past.
On his way to his classroom, after entering the school building, Ryuuto started feeling a bit restless. It was not like there was something unusual happening, but... he just felt that there was something about the students behavior, mainly on the upperclassmen, that was a little off. And then, as he was trying to wash that feeling away...
...a bother appeared.
"...Kyousuke, didn't I already say to not call me that? It's disgusting."
"Don't say it~! I know that you always feel your heart beating fast when called that way~!"
Kyousuke Saotome, a blond-haired delinquent with "different tastes" that has being by Ryuuto's side since their elementary school days. Ryuuto would call their relationship an "unremovable curse."
However, at least this time, him popping up without being invited might actually be useful.
Since "his curse" has contacts within many "gangs" inside (and outside) the school, he could gather a lot of information, what made him a famous informant that sells almost all types of information - at big prices.
So, of course, if there was anything strange happening on the school grounds, he would certainly know, but... "What would he ask me in return for the information?" was a question that Ryuuto would really want not to be answered. Hence, between that mortifying mood and the unknown "payment",
Ryuuto chooses to:
1. Ask Kyousuke if he knows about it.
2. Leave Kyousuke behind and go to class.
3. Try to get it out of Kyousuke "from his own will".
4. Stay still, without moving, so that he might go away after some time.
Although Ryuuto was curious about the strange atmosphere, he knew better than to directly ask about it here. Akagami Ringo, a part of the Disciplinary committee, was well known for her strict interpretation of school rules. Dragging Kyousuke into the classroom, He indirectly asked about it by bringing up the girl who was at the school gate handing out flyers. "The girl at the gate?" Kyousuke asks. "She's Itou Nagisa, one of the most beautiful girls in our grade, possibly the whole school. She's also on the student council, which would explain why she was handing out flyers this morning. Why do you ask?" Kyousuke asks giving a mischeivious look at Ryuuto. "She may be one of the prettiest girls in school, but there was a strange atmosphere surrounding her, and I don't mean the gawking idiots who only think with their dicks." Ryuuto said dejectedly. "Hmm, there are some interesting rumors floating around, would you like to hear them?" Kyousuke asks with a wry smile.
Ryuuto ponders a bit, and instead of pulling out his PSP to play, he looks directly in Kyousuke's eyes with a serious look on his eyes. "Let's hear it." Surprisingly, this response did not come from Ryuuto's mouth, but the girl next to his seat, named Nakajou Yuna. Both boys turned to look at her and and the air becomes awkward as the girl has just suddenly jumped in their conversation. Kyousuke responds by telling her, "I have information to draw possible reasons why people were reacting the way they did at the school gate earlier, but I don't give it out so easily. Ryuuto and I have a 'special' relationship so if you want in, you gotta pay up." Yuna stares at Kyousuke for a split second before her face became a disgruntled one with the response of, "Stingy." Kyousuke shrugs his shoulders and responds, "What, I'm not asking for much, I usually trade in favors for this kind of information, so its not like I'm asking for much." Kyousuke smiles back in a way that doesn't fit his age. "Fine, but a favor does not count for a date," Yuna responds with a bit of aggression. "Naturally," said Kyousuke with a big grin.
"Let's start with possible reason #1. At the end of last week, Sakoda Kazufumi, the soccer club captain confessed to Nagisa, but was unsurprisingly rejected. After all, Nagisa has been confessed to tons of popular people but were all rejected. However, Kazufumi is different. The rumor going around is that Kazufumi has ties to the Black Widow gang. The Black Widow gang is known for their violence and the police are often involved. But, however, it does not appear that anything has actually happened on the surface yet, if that is really the case.
Possible reason #2: The student council is working behind the scenes on removing an old rule that doesn't allow students to drive or ride mopeds to school and Akagami Ringo is working to fight against that change. The hidden reason is that very few people know that Nagisa's older brother has and drives his own moped. This obviously is a violation of school policy, but it is believed that Nagisa is using her power in the student council to hide this fact from the administration.
And the third and final possible reason is that Nagisa has a boyfriend. Although this one isn't too reliable, as this source has been wrong before."
Having listened to these "possible reasons", Ryuuto ponders for a minute but is interrupted by the morning bell as homeroom is about to start.
After homeroom, because today was Monday, the first period was Mathematics. Several people were yawning as if they didn't get enough sleep last night. The teacher was busy writing problems on the board when suddenly, a folded up piece of notebook paper landed on Ryuuto's desk. Having not been paying attention to either the teacher nor his surroundings, Ryuuto was unable to see which direction the note had come from.
Ryuuto chooses to:
1. open and read the note
2. crumple the note and throw it at Kyousuke behind him.
3. Grab the note quickly and place it in his school bag.
4. Crumple the note and throw it at the teacher.
After thinking on it for a moment, Ryuuto chooses to avoid this trouble in the form of a note. He quietly crumples it up and tosses it to the seat behind him,where Kyousuke receives it and instantly opens it up to read it. As if warning of a great danger, Kyousuke whispers to Ryuuto "Dude, you should r--" but,
"You two, quiet down! Saotome-kun, answer the question on the board." The teacher caught the two before anything else could be exchanged.
As Kyousuke glances at the problem on the board,
y=3x+b ; x=2
he swiftly calculates the answer and proceeds to the board to complete it.
Ryuuto chooses to:
1) Wait for Kyousuke to solve the problem before asking what the note was about.
2) Disregard the note (and Kyousuke) entirely.
3) Reach around and grab the note itself.
Having somewhat regretting his decision to not read the note, Ryuuto decides to ask Kyousuke about the note when he returns to his desk. This was due to Kyousuke's reaction before he was summoned to the front of the class, letting the curiosity get the better of himself. However, Ryuuto knew better than to ask about it during class. As soon as first period ended, Ryuuto turns around and asks, "Kyousuke, why did you pass me a note turning class? Couldn't you have waited for a better time?" Ryuuto's concern was expected, as the math teacher, Fujimoto was known for having eyes like a hawk and enjoyed teaching troublemakers a lesson. "Dude, it wasn't me, but you did read the note, right?" Ryuuto could see genuine concern in Kyousuke's eyes when he said this. He originally wanted to play it off, but decided against it. "No, but I could sense a troublesome aura coming from the note, which is why I passed it to you." "Leaving all the troublesome things to me, how thoughtful." Kyousuke sighed. "So, Normally I would expect you to ask me what was in the note, but it seems you are one step ahead of me." Ryuuto's face turned to that of puzzlement. "What are you talking about?" "Ryuuto, you took the note back, right?" Kyousuke asks. "No, I didn't. I told you I wanted to avoid troublesome things." As if not believing him, Kyousuke replies, "What, you're not cute when you're not honest, but I'll forgive you and tell you what it said. 'Do not pursue after Itou Nagisa if you want to be able to show your face at school.'" "What, so I'm being threatened now?" Ryuuto chose to ignore the prior disgusting comment Kyousuke made in order to draw attention away from that. "Looks like it. It seems someone else overheard our discussion before homeroom." A look of seriousness was reflected in Kyousuke's eyes. "It seems someone is under the impression that I'm after Itou Nagisa. I wasn't interested in her at first, but now it seems I shouldn't leave her alone." Takahashi Ryuuto was not the type to actively pursue danger. It was only once he is threatened that he will take action.
Time flew by and it was time for lunch. "Kyousuke, let's go to the cafeteria today." A mild look of shock appeared on Kyousuke's face as he said, "What are you saying? I thought you, the Master of boxed lunches, hated going to the cafeteria?" Rather than give a proper answer, Ryuuto started walking faster and turned his head back in response, "Let's go or we won't make it in time." Hearing that Kyousuke ran behind him. When they arrived at the cafeteria, they could hear the bustle of students buying lunches which could almost be called a "war zone." They got in line and quickly grabbed their food. Walking back while trying to find a seat, Ryuuto noticed an area in the packed cafeteria that was seemingly vacant. Ryuuto also noticed that within this vacancy was his target of interest, Itou Nagisa. Ryuuto calmly walked over to the table and asked, "Are these seats taken?" Nagisa looked up and calmly shook her head. Having sat down across from Nagisa, Ryuuto began to enjoy his meal set A, which was the curry rice meal. Sitting next to him was Kyousuke. "Itou-san, may I sit here?" a cute girly voice asked. Kyousuke looked up to notice Nakajou Yuna standing there. Nagisa nodded and Yuna sat down and asked, "I wonder what made the 'Master of Boxed Lunches' not only visit the cafeteria but directly across Itou-san?" Takahashi Ryuuto was well known for how much effort he put into making his boxed lunches and how he never visited the cafeteria, so this kind of remark was not strange for him. "Just felt like it." His half assed response failed to place any shock on Nakajou Yuna's face.
Ryuuto chooses to:
1. Ask Nagisa directly about the note he received in first period.
2. Engage in lively conversation with Nagisa in hopes to find answers.
3. Tell them both about the note he received and ask them both about it.
4. Calmly eat his meal and wait for something to happen.
Because Ryuuto felt directly probing the individual herself about the note's threat was in bad taste, not to mention with other people that can eavesdrop on the conversation are abundant, he chose to table that for another chance meeting. So Ryuuto opens up with an inquiry towards Nagisa, "Itou, you were the one handing out the flyers this morning for the student council right? Did anyone volunteer yet?"
As if taken by surprise by the sudden question directed towards her, she was speechless for a moment before replying, "Ah, y-yes. No one has yet to put in an application so far. At this rate, the president will retire without finding a new replacement." For a split-second, Nagisa had looked truly worried, which made Ryuuto feel even more curious.
"Isn't the seat of president decided from within the student council? Sort of like an inherited title?" Kyousuke cuts in before Ryuuto could,
"That is normally the case for this school, however, both the vice-president and accountant are third-years and will be graduating along with the president this year, so only the general affairs and secretary will be left, and..." Nagisa lowers her voice just a bit, but not too low to the point of whispering in the loud cafeteria, "the two remaining refused to vie for the presidential seat, so the only remaining choice would be to hold elections for any interested parties."
So in other words, the council is falling apart to a certain degree, and this is almost a last resort, is it? Ryuuto ponders. "So basically you're falling apart, Itou-chan?" Kyousuke cuts in, as if reading the others' minds.
"Ah..." With a hint of embarrassment, "I suppose you could put it that way. Ehe."
Ryuuto chooses to:
1) Continue forth with conversations.
2) Finish lunch and excuse yourself.
3) Decide to bring up the note, anyway.
Ryuuto, having become a little impatient, decides that he must ask a more direct question about Itou Nagisa's circumstances.
"So, Itou-san, I understand that no one currently in the student council wants to be president, but why couldn't you become one?" Itou Nagisa's face stiffened briefly before returning to her usual smile. Nervously, she responded, "It is nice that you think I could become president, but I am currently unable to. Why do you ask?" In response, Ryuuto decides to press further. "I have heard some interesting rumors concerning your older brother." Nagisa's face seemed to relax a bit. "I don't know what you have heard, but this isn't about my older brother, Shunsuke." Nakajou Yuna, who was being silent and listening this entire time decided to speak up. "Seems like Kyousuke's information this morning was false." With a look of surprise, Kyousuke shakes his head. "Itou-chan, its not good to lie." "What are you talking about?" Nagisa responds with a bit of disbelief. "I'm talking about how your older brother and you ride his moped to school every day and hide-mffmff--" Nagisa suddenly leaned across the table covering Kyousuke's mouth with both her hands. The Cafeteria became abruptly silent. With her face flushed, she sat back down with her head lowered in embarrassment, trying to avoid the sudden gazes by her sudden action. As the cafeteria gradually returned to normal volume, Nagisa's face also returned to its normal pigment. "Ryuuto-kun....-the roof..." Nagisa mumbled. "What?" Ryuuto asked.
"Meet me on the rooftop after school." Nagisa said a little bit louder, with a tinge of red on her face. With that, Nagisa quickly grabbed her tray to return it and briskly walked out of the cafeteria. Ryuuto had a look of puzzlement on his face while Kyousuke had on his usual smile. "Well, are you going to go?" Yuna asks.
Ryuuto chooses to:
1. Meet Itou Nagisa on the roof by himself after school.
2. Bring Kyousuke and meet Itou Nagisa on the roof after school.
3. Tease Yuna about meeting Nagisa after school into getting her to come along.
4. Forget Nagisa and ask to meet Yuna at the school gate after school.